Where’s the blog? (updated)

I got a job and am not really writing here anymore. I continue to write about Latin American energy companies, but I decided that it’s ok to write behind a paywall in return for a paycheck. I’m still reading your thoughts and comments. So please feel free to send your tips and hate mail. I read them all. Thanks for a few great years, thanks for the kind donations, thanks for all the leads and tips. Hasta la próxima!

UPDATE 6 December 2015: I realize that was a pretty unromantic way to say bye. This blog has been a really wonderful experience. I have met many of you either by e-mail, phone or (occasionally) in person, and you’ve been a great bunch of people. I will miss the tips, the encouragement, and the random ventings of frustration that you sent me over the years.

It was sometimes frustrating to see big law firms, government agencies and multinational corporations coming by for free information. But the real humans out there, searching for the truth behind weird energy industry intrigues, made it quite worthwhile. I’ll let you know if I find a way to get back to writing publicly that doesn’t get in the way of my job.

Meanwhile, if you do happen to be at one of those big law firms, multinational corporations or government agencies, please check out REDD Intelligence. It’s a great outlet for coverage of distressed companies and sovereigns in Latin America.

Also, I continue to post from time to time on Twitter. See you!

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